Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Don't just list your vehicle. Auction it off ! Let buyers compete for it. Check out We are offering Free Registration. Go to . Sign up by getting a user name and password. Begin browsing the site, learn about it and let these auctions work for you!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

An On-line Auction Site for Serious Buyers & Sellers

Ebay is not the only game in town.
Recently a lot of on-line auctions have been created. The Internet has grown in such leaps and bounds, that it’s easy to understand how people rely on this type of e-commerce. What was once considered the future has become a reality. Internet sales are increasing globally and are here to stay.
The market that Ebay has helped create has bred many other on-line auctions. All very similar to Ebay, where buyers bid through the Internet. These auction sites have seemingly endless categories, from handbags to heavy equipment.
There is one auction that seems to stand out from the rest. It’s a brand new on-line site called They bill themselves as being an on line auction for serious buyers and sellers of motor vehicles. They seem to have a great idea to separate the handbag lookers from the serious car buyers.
When looking at the differences, one notices right away that only sells motor vehicles. All types of motor vehicles. You’ll never find flea market merchandise on
They are membership based and everyone is pre-qualified. This helps eliminate the malicious bidders that plague the industry’s credibility and threatens its viability.
A college student majoring in computers named Greg Munch who grew up near Little Bay Harbor in Long Island, created When asked what motivated him at such an early age to take on such an endeavor, his reply was “ I was tired of my father complaining about the non paying Ebay buyers. My dad sells cars on ebay, but when it comes to paying half of the people never materialize.” This sure-footed young man seems to have a good sense for what is needed to thrive in a very competitive market. “It’s simple” Munch says, ”We offer members a world wide market of qualified buyers and sellers, easy to use format, low user costs, and an innovative approach in feedback management.”
Ebay certainly is the biggest. It’s yet to be seen if they are the best